Scattered Worship | Sunday, January 3, 2021


Order of Gathering

Light and Momentary


No Other Love
Oh, God

Focal Passage:
Romans 10:1-17

How Beautiful the Feet

Invitation to Respond

A Better Word
Death Was Arrested



How Beautiful the Feet


God uses those who believe good news to preach good news to those who need good news.

  1. All who believe will be saved. (10:5-13)

  2. No one believes what they haven’t heard. (10:14-17)

Reflect | Repent | Respond

  • Do you know, believe, & embrace the good news that Jesus died for your sins to give you eternal life?
    // reflect & confess: I am a sinner in need of grace.

  • Have you been a bold ambassador of the good news to those in your life who need good news?
    // change: ask God to give boldness & make him known.

  • Make a list of people in your life, commit to pray for & engage them with the gospel.
    // respond: Go!


Scott O'Donohoe