Scattered Worship (2 Peter 2:1-22) | Sunday, September 12, 2021
Order of Gathering
Come Alive (Dry Bones)
O Fount of Love
Come Thou Fount
Focal Passage
Invitation to Respond
A Better Word
Death Was Arrested
Counterfeit Prophets
(2 Peter 2:1-22)
False teachers lead astray, but God is faithful to judge the wicked and rescue the righteous.
Deceivers gonna deceive.
> They gain influence and deceive.
> They deny the Master.
> They are bold and reckless fools.
> They are slaves to corruption.
> They will not be spared.
But the Lord knows how to rescue the godly.
Reflect | Repent | Respond
Where might you be living with your guard down towards false teaching?
Where have you led others astray / condoned sin that needs to be corrected?
Where is your heart turning today, knowing that God is faithful to both judge and rescue?