Sermon Follow-up | Audio + Eschatology Resources

Hey church!

Thanks for hanging in there for a "meatier" than usual sermon yesterday. I appreciate your grace and patience, and I hope walking through the climax of Paul's letter ministered to you in some way.

There are a couple of things we wanted to follow-up on from yesterday:

  • Sermon Audio: Whether you were with us in-person or watching via livestream yesterday determine how you experienced a bit of a "glitch" during yesterday's gathering. Due to high winds, the power momentarily went out here at The 210, disrupting the tech side of things here. Between the normal audio recording and the livestream, I was able to stitch together most of the sermon audio. The only thing missing is a few seconds of an illustration around the 23:48 mark.

    Thanks to our Sound / Media / Livestream
    crew for figuring stuff out like pros on the fly yesterday! We appreciate you a ton.

  • Eschatology Resources: In between yesterday's two main points, we had a bit of a "theological aside" where we talked a bit about some eschatology (the proper term for the study of what's going to happen leading up to and when Jesus returns). This is a "big bucket" of theology, and while there are many points of departure among sound Christians and scholars in that bucket, disagreements on the finer details are *not* gospel issues and shouldn't affect our ability to minister together as a local church.

    The elders of The Village come at this from different perspectives, and while we haven't produced anything super-detailed, we have laid out some things we *do* agree on and a path forward for current and future conversations we're having. We wanted to share both of those things with you!

    • ///Eschatology One-Page: Here's an incredibly lofty, 10,000ft view on some very basic things related to eschatology.

    • ///Eschatology Resources & Questions: Here's a list of resources we're wading through (there are many, many more!) and some basic questions we all want to be able to answer and are actively discussing as an elder team. As in most things we dig into together, we try to expose ourselves to various voices and perspectives. With that in mind, just know that simply because something is listed here as a resource, it doesn't mean we agree with it!

Scott O'Donohoe