The Purpose

Equipping Gospel men for gospel leadership in the church. We do that by working through some content, and connecting around that content to process, learn, and grow together.

The Resources

Links to resources for the class — Church Elders is *suggested.

The What & When

Saturdays, 7:00-8:30am
January 6th - March 9th

Each man is responsible to work through each session of the Gospel Eldership workbook by completing the required reading and related workbook material prior to the meetup for each session.

Our meetups will be the fruit of overflow of the work that we have already done on our own. Participants are encouraged to read and reflect on the material in advance of the appropriate session discussion so that each participant can confidently contribute to the discussion during the meetups.

The Who & to What End?

Who? — This is open to all interested men, and targeted towards men who have expressed a desire to lead: themselves, their families, in work and community, and within the church. If you are reading this, then we value you, are encouraged by who you are, and look forward to being molded and shaped alongside you.

Purpose? — To intentionally equip gospel men for gospel leadership, with a particular emphasis on biblical eldership within the local church. There is no promise, or even assertion, that this – in any way – leads to you becoming an elder at the Village, or anywhere else.  Even though the content is targeted towards current and future elders, the goal is to equip each participant to be better sons, disciples, men, husbands, dads, leaders, shepherds, friends, neighbors, and so forth.  This is in no way a specific step towards a specific end or means such as eldership. It is, however, a supplement to godly culture among men, and if any of you feel compelled or called specifically towards leadership that might lead to eldership, this will be a necessary help to sift through that calling alongside other brothers, leaders, and elders.

The Schedule

January 6th

  1. Servant Leadership
    Assigment: Read intro & Lesson 1


January 13th

2. A Biblical Approach to Church Leadership
Assigment: Read Lesson 2, Strauch ch. 1


January 20th

3. Primacy of Character
Assigment: Read Lesson 3, Strauch ch. 4


January 27th

4. Leadership Triangle
Assigment: Read Lesson 4, Strauch ch. 2


February 3RD

5. Duties of Elders, Feed the Sheep
Assigment: Read Interlude, Lesson 5.


February 10th

6. Lead the Sheep
Assigment: Read Lesson 6, Strauch ch. 5


February 17th

7. Protect the Sheep
Assigment: Read Lesson 7, Strauch pp. 140-159


February 24th

8. Care for the Sheep
Assigment: Read Lesson 8, Strauch ch. 11


March 3RD

9. Missional Leadership
Assigment: Read Lesson 9


March 9th

10. Temptations of Leadership
Assigment: Read Lesson 10, appendix A