Know What You Are Getting Into | Blowing [Dust] off the Bible

There are few things more fundamental to the Christian life than reading the bible. So why does something so foundational often seem equally as challenging? Well, that’s where we hope to be some help!

Whether you’re a long-time student of the Scriptures, a first-time reader, or an I-can’t-remember-how-long-it’s-been-since-I-opened-my-bible kind of person, this series is for you. Over the course of five or six weeks, we’ll take a look at the basics of the bible, its overarching story and themes, different ways we can dig it into it, how we got it in the first place, and more!

Also, we’re doing a giveaway! If you send us a question or topic to touch on sometime during this series, you’ll be entered* to win a collection of bible resources recommended by each of our pastors! (Details on what those resources are will be made available soon!) To submit your question or topic about the bible, use this Google Form:

Listen, watch, and enjoy the episode below!

*One entry per person!



Bread from Above (Exodus 15:22-16:36)

You can watch the stream of our Scattered Worship gathering, download a discipleship guide, and more on our website,

  • Scattered Worship:

  • Discipleship Guide:

Interacting with the Word | Blowing [Dust] off the Bible

There are few things more fundamental to the Christian life than reading the bible. So why does something so foundational often seem equally as challenging? Well, that’s where we hope to be some help!

Whether you’re a long-time student of the Scriptures, a first-time reader, or an I-can’t-remember-how-long-it’s-been-since-I-opened-my-bible kind of person, this series is for you. Over the course of five or six weeks, we’ll take a look at the basics of the bible, its overarching story and themes, different ways we can dig it into it, how we got it in the first place, and more!

Also, we’re doing a giveaway! If you send us a question or topic to touch on sometime during this series, you’ll be entered* to win a collection of bible resources recommended by each of our pastors! (Details on what those resources are will be made available soon!) To submit your question or topic about the bible, use this Google Form:

Listen, watch, and enjoy the episode below!

*One entry per person!



Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-21)

You can watch the stream of our Scattered Worship gathering, download a discipleship guide, and more on our website,

  • Scattered Worship:

  • Discipleship Guide:

Major Themes | Blowing [Dust] off the Bible

There are few things more fundamental to the Christian life than reading the bible. So why does something so foundational often seem equally as challenging? Well, that’s where we hope to be some help!

Whether you’re a long-time student of the Scriptures, a first-time reader, or an I-can’t-remember-how-long-it’s-been-since-I-opened-my-bible kind of person, this series is for you. Over the course of five or six weeks, we’ll take a look at the basics of the bible, its overarching story and themes, different ways we can dig it into it, how we got it in the first place, and more!

Also, we’re doing a giveaway! If you send us a question or topic to touch on sometime during this series, you’ll be entered* to win a collection of bible resources recommended by each of our pastors! (Details on what those resources are will be made available soon!) To submit your question or topic about the bible, use this Google Form:

Listen, watch, and enjoy the episode below!

*One entry per person!



God Saves by His Power (Exodus 14)

You can watch the stream of our Scattered Worship gathering, download a discipleship guide, and more on our website,

  • Scattered Worship:

  • Discipleship Guide:

Back to Basics | Blowing [Dust] off the Bible

There are few things more fundamental to the Christian life than reading the bible. So why does something so foundational often seem equally as challenging? Well, that’s where we hope to be some help!

Whether you’re a long-time student of the Scriptures, a first-time reader, or an I-can’t-remember-how-long-it’s-been-since-I-opened-my-bible kind of person, this series is for you. Over the course of five or six weeks, we’ll take a look at the basics of the bible, its overarching story and themes, different ways we can dig it into it, how we got it in the first place, and more!

Also, we’re doing a giveaway! If you send us a question or topic to touch on sometime during this series, you’ll be entered* to win a collection of bible resources recommended by each of our pastors! (Details on what those resources are will be made available soon!) To submit your question or topic about the bible, use this Google Form:

Listen, watch, and enjoy the episode below!

*One entry per person!



God Knows My Heart (Exodus 13:17-22)

You can watch the stream of our Scattered Worship gathering, download a discipleship guide, and more on our website,

  • Scattered Worship:

  • Discipleship Guide:

Ecclesiology in Quarantine

It took a pandemic to bring it back, but here's a fresh episode of the Formed & Sent Podcast! Matt, Michael, and Scott talk a bit about ecclesiology (the theology of the church), why it's so important right now, and how it's shaped our response and hopes for The Village in the midst of this national quarantine.

We’re recording some new episodes via Zoom, which brings with it a share of highs and lows. On the high side, you can now see our faces while we talk via a video recording (…or maybe that’s not a plus!). On the low side, the audio quality isn’t quite as crisp as it otherwise would be.


Celebrate What Matters (Exodus 13:1-16)

You can watch the stream of our Scattered Worship gathering, download a discipleship guide, and more on our website,

  • Scattered Worship:

  • Discipleship Guide:

Two Ways of Man (Exodus 9:13-35)

You can watch the stream of our Scattered Worship gathering, download a discipleship guide, and more on our website,

  • Scattered Worship:

  • Discipleship Guide: