Chosen, Formed, and Sent (John 1:35-51) | December 12, 2021
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Chosen, Formed, and Sent
John 1:35-51
Jesus builds his team by calling, forming, and sending ordinary people into his extraordinary mission.
Jesus models a pattern of mission:
Jesus CHOOSES his followers. (Jn. 1:35-39)
Jesus FORMS his followers. (Jn. 1:40-42)
Jesus SENDS his followers. (Jn. 1:43-51)
Reflect, Repent & Respond
Consider the story of your life. Notice where God has been at work calling, forming, and sending you in light of his mission?
In what areas have you failed to connect the events of your life (past, present, & future) to the greater mission Jesus came to fulfill?
How might the Spirit be inviting you to “follow Jesus,” wherever he leads, even today?