Chosen, Formed, and Sent (John 1:35-51) | December 12, 2021

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Chosen, Formed, and Sent

John 1:35-51


Jesus builds his team by calling, forming, and sending ordinary people into his extraordinary mission.


Jesus models a pattern of mission:

  1. Jesus CHOOSES his followers. (Jn. 1:35-39)

  2. Jesus FORMS his followers. (Jn. 1:40-42)

  3. Jesus SENDS his followers. (Jn. 1:43-51)



Reflect, Repent & Respond

  • Consider the story of your life. Notice where God has been at work calling, forming, and sending you in light of his mission?

  • In what areas have you failed to connect the events of your life (past, present, & future) to the greater mission Jesus came to fulfill?

  • How might the Spirit be inviting you to “follow Jesus,” wherever he leads, even today?

Scott O'Donohoe