Wise Men Visited Jesus | K-Ville at Home (12/19/21)
A Note to Parents
Dear Parents,
This week, we concluded our Christmas unit in The Gospel Project® for Kids and studied how wise men traveled from far away to worship Jesus as King. King Herod, on the other hand, was nearby but He wanted to destroy Jesus instead because he felt threatened. Jesus is the true King, promised in 2 Samuel 7, who is worthy of our worship.
Help your kids find meaningful and sincere ways to worship Jesus this week as they continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus even after Christmas day has passed.
High Points
Main Point:
Jesus was born to be God’s promised Savior.
Christ Connection:
The wise men came to worship Jesus as King. Jesus is the King who will rule forever, as God promised to King David in 2 Samuel 7. Jesus is the true King who is worthy of all our worship.
Big Picture Question:
Why was Jesus born? Jesus was born to rescue us from sin.