Jesus Turns Water to Wine (John 2:1-12) | December 19, 2021
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Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Jesus Turns Water to Wine
John 2:1-12
The power of Jesus to transform the world around us points to his power to transform the world within us.
Jesus reveals his power:
Power to transform the PHYSICAL. (Jn. 2:7-11)
Power to transform the PEOPLE. (Jn. 2:6)
Reflect, Repent & Respond
What are some ways you forget the power of God over the world around you? What might that reveal about your view of God in the world?
Jesus offers the greater substance to clean us from the inside out. What does the purity of his blood offered for you, mean to your place in the household of God?
What is God stirring you to believe? … to do?