Jesus, the New Life (John 3:1-21) | January 9, 2022

Livestream Begins before 10:30am

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What Wondrous Love Is This
No Other Love
How Great Thou Art
Focal Passage

Response Time
Oh God
Death Was Arrested



Jesus, the New Life

John 3:1-21


To ENTER the Kingdom, one must SEE the Kingdom, and EMBRACE the King.

  1. God’s work OPEN EYES. (Jn. 3:3-8)

  2. Open eyes give way to BELIEF. (Jn. 3:9-15)

  3. Belief in Jesus GIVES LIFE. (Jn. 3:16-21)



Reflect, Repent & Respond

  • How have you approached Jesus hoping for something far less than what he actually offers?

  • If you have eyes to see the kingdom, what’s prevented you from embracing the King with every part of your life?

  • What part of your life are you afraid to lose, that might actually keep you from living the fullness of life here, today, and forever?

Scott O'Donohoe