Jesus, Given All Authority (John 5:19-29) | February 27, 2022

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Jesus, Given All Authority

John 5:19-29


Jesus has authority from God, as God, and His authority demands obedience.

  1. Honor the Son (as the Son honors the Father). (Jn. 5:19-23)

  2. Listen to the Son (as the Son listens to the Father). (Jn. 5:24)

  3. Receive the judgment of Son (as given by the Father). (Jn. 5:25-29)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  • Where does this meet your current view of Jesus and his authority?

  • If Jesus is God, then what does it mean for you to “follow him?”

  • How is Jesus shaping & inviting you to honor, listen to, and receive Him?

Scott O'Donohoe