Jesus, Worth It All (John 11:45-57) | 7/3/22

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Jesus Paid It All
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A Better Word
O Praise The Name




Jesus, Worth It All (John 11:45-57)

When we live by what WORKS, there’s danger in redefining the target from what’s GOOD, RIGHT, and BEST.

3 ways pragmatism misses the mission:

  1. …Acknowledges truth, but chooses lies. (11:45-48)

  2. …Protects self at the expense of others. (11:49-53)

  3. …Justifies spiritually, while undercutting the mission. (11:54-57)



Reflect, Repent, and Respond

  1. Where have you chosen what’s easy, safe, or convenient over what’s right & good?

  2. Where have you prioritized self over others in a way that undercuts the mission of God?

  3. How does the work of Jesus laying down his life at his own expense FOR others, transform your heart to prioritize what’s good, right, and best?

Kieh Kirby