Authentic Spirituality (1 Samuel 14:24-52) | 6/23/24

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Authentic Spirituality
(1 Samuel 14:24-52)

Main Idea:
Authentic spirituality may look different than you think.


Authentic spirituality is…

  1. …more than what you eat. (v.24-35)

  2. …more than demanding from God. (v.36-42)

  3. …more than empty oaths. (v.43-52)



Reflection Questions

  • Does this lead you to put Saul on blast, or to reflect on the spiritual condition of your own heart? >> What’s that say about you?

  • What defines your spiritual vitality (your "life in the Spirit?”)?

    >> What benchmarks do you reflect on, to determine your spiritual health?

    >> How do you know if you’re “doing well?”

  • Is the public & private story your character is writing, consistent?

    >> If someone examined your life like we’re examining Saul’s life, what would they find true about you? …About God? …About themselves?

  • What hope do you have, because of Christ’s work?

    >> How is the Spirit at work in you now, unifying your life to Christ’s?

    >> If God be for you, who can stop you from living to please Him?

Scott O'Donohoe