The Lord Our Guide (1 Samuel 23:1-29) | 9/22/24

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The Lord Our Guide
(1 Samuel 23:1-29)

Even when pressed, God provides the way.

If God guides the way…

  1. …seek God’s guidance. (23:1-12)

  2. …submit to God’s guidance. (23:5; 13-14,17)

  3. …trust God’s guidance. (23:27-29)



Reflection Questions

  • Where do you turn when life presses in on you?

    • How does God speak? How do you know?

    • How do you seek God? How do you seek his guidance?

  • What's the (dis)connect between hearing and doing

    • What part does faith play in obedience?

    • What does it mean to “submit to God’s guidance?”

  • What would it look like for you to trust God's guidance?

    • How would you know if He provided

    • What if he doesn't provided like you think He should?

    • How has he already provided abundantly?

Scott O'Donohoe