When Opportunity Strikes (1 Samuel 24:1-22) | 9/29/24

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When Opportunity Strikes
(1 Samuel 24:1-22)

Hearts bent by revenge are made straight by redemption.

Redeem opportunities for revenge by…

  1. …chasing enemies down with mercy. (1-11)

  2. …entrusting justice to the Lord’s hands. (12-15)

  3. …confronting evil with righteousness. (16-22)



Reflection Questions

  • Are you longing for anyone to “get what they deserve?”

    • How do you feel about the idea of God showing them mercy?

    • How is that revealing what your heart really wants?

    • How might revenge be “leaking out” of you in subtle ways?

  • What’s the hardest part of showing mercy for you?

    • Does mercy ever feel like weakness to you? Why?

    • How can Jesus let your heart rest and desire mercy?

  • Where is God confronting you this morning?

    • What mercy do you need from him? Ask him!

    • How can you be more merciful this week?

Scott O'Donohoe