God at Work (1 Samuel 25:1-44) | 10/6/24

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God at Work
(1 Samuel 25:1-44)

God is always at work.

God works through…

  1. …weird decisions (and foolish men). (1-17)

  2. …bold mediators (and wise women). (18-35)

  3. …direct action (in death & life). (36-44)



Reflection Questions

  • How aware are you that God is always at work?

    Where have you seen him at work?

    How might you be missing him?

  • Reflect on the way God moves through foolish actions?

    What’s surprising about God’s work amid the weird or foolish?

  • What can we learn from bold mediators like Abigail?

    How does she challenge the way you live?

    How does she point to a greater mediator in Jesus?

Scott O'Donohoe