Christians & Coronavirus | How We're Thinking About It!
Hey Village family!
As are all of you by now, the elders are also well aware of the coronavirus outbreak (also referred to as COVID-19) that began overseas and has made its way to the United States. I know that some people tend towards worry, others believe the hype is overblown, and the rest couldn’t care any less about it. That being the case, I wanted to take a moment to cut through both the panic and the apathy as one of your pastors to talk about what our posture of heart gets to be as disciples and to share some steps we're taking at The Village.
When Jesus mentioned to his disciples that one day the temple would be destroyed (Luke 21), his disciples asked when that would happen and how they would know that it’s about to happen. Jesus then foretells all about persecution, countries fighting with other countries, earthquakes, famines, and (you guessed it!) outbreaks of disease. Whether you take Jesus’ words in this chapter as something fulfilled in his disciples’ timeline or as something that’s yet to unfold in human history, his command to his followers in verse 9 ought to challenge us today all the same: “When you hear of wars and tumults (commotion, disorder, confusion), do not be terrified.”
Christians of all people ought to expect a fallen world to fall apart. And sometimes that happens through swine flu, SARS, or COVID-19. However, Christians of all people also ought to be the least despairing in the face of possible pandemic, because Jesus, our Redeemer and Restorer, will one day rid the world (and us!) of disease for good. Coronavirus doesn’t get the last say over our bodies. While panic may be a natural response of the human heart, it’s certainly not the supernatural response of a Spirit-led one; peace is.
But not despairing doesn’t give us a license to be callous, aloof, or reckless. When the love of Christ controls us, we live not for ourselves, but for the one who for our sake died and was raised (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). And that love compels us to be other-centered, loving the Lord AND loving our neighbor! So regardless of how concerned you are about contracting COVID-19 yourself, you should care about doing your part to prevent it from spreading to your neighbors - particularly those among and around us who are most at-risk.
Being other-centered can look a few different ways in the midst of all this:
Following fairly basic hygiene guidelines (CDC).
Not hoarding supplies for the sake of others (especially the elderly and those with compromised immune systems) who need them just as much (if not more!) than you do.
Checking in on at-risk folks who may decide to isolate themselves a bit more.
If local schools close, providing breakfast and/or lunch for kids who may not get it otherwise.
Abiding by the policies and guidelines posted by communities, workplaces, schools, etc.
Simply being informed on what COVID-19 is... and what it isn't (WHO)!
Staying aware of other ways your neighbors may be impacted (directly or indirectly) by the illness and responses to it.
As for The Village, we’re monitoring the State of Ohio’s recommendations for community and faith-based organizations. We’ll be providing some individual cups for communion, doing some deeper-cleaning (be on the lookout for an invitation to help clean if you'd like!), trying to get our hands on some extra hand-sanitizer, and other small things to be mindful AND to put minds at ease. If things develop further on a local level or merely among the Village family, we’ll respond in whatever way seems wise or necessary out of love for the WHOLE flock, including the most at-risk among us.
If you have questions or concerns, please let us know!