March Gatherings Canceled | Why & What To Expect

Hey church!

These updates might become more of a regular thing than any of us would like, BUT I want to make sure we are all informed and on the same page for the sake of peace of mind, planning, and moving through all of this purposefully as a gospel family on a gospel mission.

This afternoon, Governor Mike DeWine announced a Mass Gatherings Ban for the State of Ohio. Mass gatherings are defined by gatherings of 100 people or more. While the ban includes many things, it does NOT include religious gatherings (or grocery stores, airports, restaurants, etc.). Sunday gatherings of The Village Church are exempt from this ban.

Additionally, Governor DeWine also announced that all Ohio students will be on an extended three-week Spring Break beginning at the end of school on Monday (or beginning after tomorrow for some districts like Hamilton!). Students won't return until April 6th at the earliest; the state will be assessing the situation over the next few weeks, and there's a chance that break might be extended. This obviously affects many of our Village families. (More on that below.)

***While The Village is not required to take any action, we are choosing to join in the public health efforts of our community by voluntarily NOT gathering for at least the following three Sundays: March 15th, 22nd, and 29th. All additional in-person gatherings (The Bridge, Worship Night, Men’s Discipleship, etc.) are also suspended.***

Just as public health officials will continue monitoring the situation and making adjustments as needed, so will we.

Why is this happening?

Why is all of this happening when the number of confirmed cases is so low in Ohio and kids seem less impacted by the virus? Well, the goal is to slow the spread of the disease so that our healthcare system doesn't become overwhelmed. The crises in China and Italy are so bad in part due to the large numbers of people seeking and needing medical treatment all at the same time. There are simply not enough resources, staff, ventilators, etc. there to care for everyone who needs it. So while a large number of people still may become infected here, the hope is to have a much slower and steadier rate at which it spreads so that everyone can receive the care they need, if and when they need it.

Additionally, while many younger kids are experiencing less symptoms and symptoms at a lower rate, they can just as easily be invisible carriers of the virus. While they may not be affected, their parents, grandparents, neighbors, and others they live or interact with may very well be. Limiting transmission among kids is not only healthier for them, but it's healthier for everyone.

What does this mean?

We don’t cancel gatherings lightly. The importance of gathering as disciples under the Word, as family around the Lord’s table, and as missionaries who want to invite our neighbors into that same family and around that same table is paramount. However, we have two rhythms: we gather and we scatter. And we're no less the church when we're scattered than we are when we're gathered. So when we recognize that this is only a temporary disruption for the greater good of one another and our community, the elders believe this is the God-honoring, neighbor-loving decision to make.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Continuing Through Exodus | For the next three Sundays, the elders will be uploading a video podcast unpacking each week's planned focal passage. We'll also be recording an audio-only version that we'll upload to the usual podcast feed. We can't guarantee Hollywood polish, but you can count on us finding ways to continue drawing The Village under the Word while we (quite appropriately!) talk about the plagues. We'll post links to all of that here and on social media.

  • Community Groups | It's at your group's discretion as to whether or not you want to continue gathering in-person. We're going to offer some technological solutions that can bring people together face-to-face via video chat. But in-between your normal gathering times, now's the time to make sure you're truly caring for one another. Be sure to check in on those who may need help or who could us help while the normal routines of life are off-balance.

  • Other-Centered Opportunities | Speaking of all that, there will be parents whose school-age kids need someone to watch them while they work. There will be elderly, immune-compromised, or other at-risk individuals who could benefit from someone dropping off a meal or groceries. There will be families who may need help feeding kids breakfast and lunch because they need to rely on the schools to provide that for them.

    While the elders will keep our ears to the ground for opportunities to serve our neighbors over the next few weeks, we encourage you to truly live as disciples, family members, missionaries: care for one another, help meet needs, and go out of your way to check on people. And most of all, be bearers of good news, blessed assurance, and a peace that surpasses understanding. The church always has something distinct to offer the world, and the stage is set in this cultural moment for us to display the manifold wisdom of God through and his steadfast love.

  • Continue Giving | Unless you've automated your giving, it can be an "out of sight, out of mind" thing for some of us. While some things will pause for a few weeks, ministry (and their associated costs!) really won't. Remembering to give over the next few weeks won't only serve us in the short-term, but it will help us maintain our ministry budgets for the remainder of the year.

    If you need help using the Giving tab here on Realm, don't hesitate to send us a message. We'll walk you through it!

  • We're Still Here | The elders will be just as available as we ever are. We'll be working as usual, although you may not find us in the basement of a health clinic and pharmacy ***quite as much*** over the next few weeks. While some things will be different, the family and the mission continue. We'll let the Spirit use this unplanned disruption to drive us out of ruts, realign our hearts with what he's calling us to, and seize timely opportunities that might build up The Village Church over the next three months in ways we'll feel for a lifetime... and we encourage you to let the Spirit do the same!

We'll continue letting you know what's happening here. If you have any questions, concerns, needs, or anything else, please let us know. We're here for you... as always!

Scott O'Donohoe