Scattered Worship (Exodus 24:1-18) | Sunday, May 23, 2021
Order of Gathering
Fix My Eyes
New Member Recognition
Washed by the Blood
Thank You Jesus for the Blood
Focal Passage:
Exodus 24:1-18
Defining the Relationship
Invitation to Respond
All I Need
Oh God
Defining the Relationship
Exodus 24:1-18
God sends one to define the relationship for many.
Word of the Covenant
Blood of the Covenant
Mediator of the Covenant
Reflect | Repent | Respond
How do you define your relationship with God? How do you see him? How does he see you?
If God sends Jesus to define our relationship with him, what difference does it make?
Because God invites us all the way in by his word / blood / mediator, what does life with God look like today? … forever?