Behold: New Has Come (2 Corinthians 5:11-21) | Easter Sunday: 3/31/24

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Behold: New Has Come
(2 Corinthians 5:11-21)

Main Idea:
The way we relate to the one who made us, changes the way we relate to everyone else.


God’s work…

  1. …reconciles us to God.

  2. …reconciles past and future.

  3. …reconciles us to others.


  1. Describe the relationship between God and the world, without Jesus?
    >> What misunderstanding might you be living with about God and humanity?

  2. If we all need to be reconciled to God, then we’ve clearly been separated.
    >> Have you felt the weight of your own sin, and its work to separate you from God?

  3. If only Jesus can reconcile you back to God, what’s stopping you from turning to Him?
    >> If you’re reunited with God, how does that change how you live with others?

Scott O'Donohoe