Putting God in His Place (1 Samuel 5:1-12) | 4/14/24

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Putting God in His Place
(1 Samuel 5:1-12)

Main Idea:
The only way to conquer life is to let yours be captured by Jesus Christ.


Wherever God goes…

  1. …other gods are sure to fall.

  2. …sin won’t be able to stand.

  3. …cries go up to heaven.


  1. How have you put God in a box - to manipulate, minimize, or distance yourself from him in some way?

    >> What would happen if you simply “let” God be himself?

  2. Who or what is God’s biggest competition for glory in life?

    >> Obvious false gods? Other spiritual powers and practices?

    >> Subtle ones? “Christian” superstitions, “helpful” things, etc.?

  3. What about God would you like to censor, avoid, or rewrite?

    >> What part of you would feel better if God changed? Why?

  4. How can Jesus turn any dread of God’s arrival into delight?

Scott O'Donohoe