All the Wrong Things (1 Samuel 13:1-23) | 6/9/24

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All the Wrong Things
(1 Samuel 13:1-23)

Main Idea:
A life lived in the flesh is one big reaction to all the wrong things.


Don’t be defined by…

  1. …what you see in the world.

  2. …what you miss from the Lord.

  3. …what you find in your hands.



Reflection Questions

  • What risks is the Spirit calling you to take for the kingdom?

    > What potential trouble can come from that?

    > How will you respond to that in a God-centered way?

  • Can you see your trouble today inside of God’s story?

    > How are you letting the church shoulder your burden?

    > Does the presence of trouble itself trouble you / your faith?

  • What do you often think you’re missing from the Lord?

    > How do you accommodate what’s “missing” from him?

    > How might he be calling you to obedience, instead?

Scott O'Donohoe